Heart Chakra Initiation
Awaken The Power Of True Self Love, Strengthen Your Relationships, And Enter Into Communion With The Universe.
Your Instructor
I am a pioneer on a quest to integrate the secret knowledge of the ancient world and adapt it for modern use. I have traveled around the world, studying the ancient traditions and spiritual texts, and integrating them with my own practical mindsets and sense of humor to deliver high impact learning experiences to my audience.
I have taught thousands of students about the spiritual world right under our nose.
I want to help you become stronger, wiser....and to laugh a little bit more.
Course Curriculum
Week 1: Cultivating The Love Within
Available in
after you enroll
StartWelcome To The Journey (5:24)
StartOverview of Week 1 (19:41)
StartHeart Chakra Initiation Week I Action Guide
StartIntro to the Morning Practice (3:36)
StartMy Story of Heart Awakening (8:05)
StartSetting The Tone: Relationship With Self (5:11)
StartDaily Morning Practice (18:52)
StartDaily Practice: Mirror Affirmations (1:25)
StartDaily Night Appreciation Reflections (0:54)
StartWhat Is The Shadow? (6:25)
StartThe Evidence You Don't (yet) Fully Love Yourself (4:22)
StartWear Pink (even if pink annoys you) (2:42)
StartTrusted Friend Exercise (8:04)
StartTrack Shadows To The Source (6:08)
StartReminder For Shadow Work (1:40)
StartGolden Shadow Exercise (5:16)
StartIt's Okay To Be Soft Now (4:25)
StartLove Letter to Myself (4:07)
Week 2: Damn It Feels Good To Be A Lover
Available in
after you enroll
StartWeek 2 Welcome (0:53)
StartHeart Chakra Initiation Week II Action Guide
StartDaily Practice: Gratitude Journal (1:35)
StartIntegrating Shadow Work (8:54)
StartMaking Amends (9:46)
StartAmends Process (5:23)
StartThere's Nobody Out There But You (4:09)
StartThe Egg
StartHeart Map Practice (4:07)
StartDaily Practice II: Daily Deposit (1:39)
StartWar Is Costly (5:18)
StartStop Judging Everybody (Including Yourself) (2:39)
StartTake Nothing Personally (1:03)
StartLove Language Review (4:40)
StartBonding Styles and Repatterning Intimacy (11:42)
StartAcceptance as the Heart Medicine (8:49)
StartNature Mission (1:59)
StartAttachment Vs. Love (6:01)
StartHeart Map Evaluation (1:27)
StartForgiveness and Transmutation (16:49)
StartRead. Love Letter to Self (2:13)
StartMeditation On Sorrow (2:34)
Week 3: The Sacred Heart and Its Powers
Available in
after you enroll
StartWelcome to Week 3 (2:37)
StartHeart Chakra Initiation Week III Action Guide
StartSt. Francis (7:12)
StartFlipping Your Triggers (6:26)
StartWhat it Means to Become a Lion Heart (7:08)
StartThe Thief and the Master
StartMission: Self as a Gift (3:38)
StartMission: Selfless Service (3:17)
StartMission: Everyone is Enlightened but You (3:28)
StartMission: Ambience Anchoring (3:00)
StartFill Out Your Feedback!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.